Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ups and Downs and Ups Again

It's funny how sometimes you miss home so much you think there is no other place on earth quite as good, and then sometimes you think, "Gosh, I'm having the time of my life and I don't want it to end."  It's been this way for me all throughout this journey.  I had my ups and downs in Ireland and I certainly wanted to be home a lot of the time while I was there, but then there were those moments where all I could do was pinch myself to realize that I was actually on this amazing adventure and it wasn't a dream.  I was living a life that many people only hoped they could. 

Moving to Milan was a bit different for me as I had never been here before and quite frankly, it's not the most attractive of places.  Ireland has an allure to it because of the green...which happens to be my favorite color...you just get drawn to it.  Milan doesn't have the same appeal.  I will say though that in the last few days, I've really started to feel comfortable here.  I've made a new friend who is from New York, but living here in the city.  I've been out a few times both here in Milan and to other surrounding areas (day trip to Verona last Sunday).  I've had the best mint julep I've ever tasted here in Milan (random how a southern staple like that was done so well here in the North of Italy).  I've accomplished the daunting task of learning to drive stick (and I'm having so much fun with it).  I tell you, I'm enjoying the crazy traffic circles.  It's fun with the kids in the car to go round and round...it's like we're on a roller coaster or something!!  I am enjoying the rise in temperature and the fact that I can run with the dog in the park.  It may sound boring to many, but my daily routine of exercise, carpool, making lunch, teaching, etc is really quite pleasant.  I think that's because basically, I'm playing mom and it's always been a dream of mine to actually be a mother. 

Yes, I miss teaching at Stiles Point.  Yes, I miss my family and friends in Charleston (and Dublin).  Yes, I would like an actual income instead of this little pocket change I'm getting here, but I am so thankful for these opportunities.  I was really worried about going home to my "old" life and getting a bit frightened by 1) going back to the real world and 2) things not being as exciting at home, but you know what, life is what you make it.  Traveling is and always will be a part of me, but so is Charleston.  All of these experiences I've had, places I've been, and things I've seen are part of the great puzzle that is me...it's what makes me who I am. 

I'm going to make my time here as memorable as possible.  I'll miss it when I'm gone, but instead of being sad that the trip is over, I want to be grateful that I ever had the chance to take it.  I hope that when I get home to Charleston I'll be able to fondly look back at my time abroad...I hope that when I'm home, I will remember this roller coaster of emotions in the attempt of reminding myself to appreciate what is in front of me rather than looking over my shoulder for something "better".

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