Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life Goes On

This phrase is often used after something bad has happened as a way of saying, "Oh well, move forward."  That's not the meaning of the phrase I'm thinking today though.  In my mind, "life goes on" means simply that.  I may not be in Charleston, but life there is going on. 

Leaving Charleston last June was difficult for me because I was worried about what would happen while I was away.  I knew that things would occur, good and bad, and I constantly checked in to see what the latest scoop was.  I'm a very attached person, especially to my friends and family, so I called and emailed very often to hear the latest news.  Before moving, I was told that life in Charleston would be the same when I returned.  I knew part of this would be true.  The family and friends I had would be there when I returned, the school where I worked would more than likely have the same kinds of lessons going on; nothing too extraordinary would have taken place in my absence.  I found this to be comforting because I didn't want to miss out on anything at home. 

Unfortunately, I moved before one of my best friends got married so I missed the wedding.  I let this hang over my head for a long while upset that I'd missed out on this special event.  Then I pulled it together and thought about all the wonderful experiences I was having while I was away and I was happy to have the opportunity to make such fantastic memories. 

While home for Christmas, another one of my best friends got engaged.  I was so thankful to be in town for this because I was able to be part of the celebration.  Now that I'm in Italy, I've missed another very special proposal and will soon be missing the birth of a first baby for another couple. 

It's bound to happen, when you're away, life goes on.  People don't stop living because you aren't there.  I've always realized that this was the case and I didn't expect for anyone to put their life on hold waiting on me to return, but I guess living away has proven to me that I am even more of a home-body than I ever thought.  I'd never change the fact that I've travelled and I'd not be completely against having to be away from home in the future for whatever reason may cause me to leave again, but I will say, I love my family and friends and I love Charleston, and I'm very sorry that I'm missing out on such special occasions with the ones I care so much about.

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