Wednesday, February 8, 2012

All in a Day's Work

Teaching is my job, but more than that, it's my passion.  When I'm not teaching, I'm not whole.  I struggled with this in Ireland because I was only in a classroom once a week.  It was a blessing that my friend Luke set me up with Dublin City University though because without that small amount of time in front of students, I'd have been lost. 

It's coming up on three weeks here in Milan and Luke has helped me, yet again, to find a place to teach.  I went a few weeks ago to visit a school out in Cesano Maderno (one hour from where I am in Milan).  I met the lovely woman who started the school and since then, she and I have been emailing back and forth trying to create a schedule for me.  I was contacted yesterday to see if I'd like to start teaching a private lesson to a student once a week.  I said yes, of course, and went this morning for my first "lesson."  I have to put lesson in quotes because my student, cute as he is, is only 15 months old!  I wasn't teaching so much as playing, but still, it was a start. 

This morning I drove the car to the metro station, took the metro to the train station, took the train to Cesano Maderno and then walked the last 5 minutes to the school.  I met with the child and his mother in her office above the school.  She is a dentist (perfect because I need my teeth cleaned!).  We played for two hours before I took the long journey back home.  It was fantastic though because in my one session with little Georgio, he learned two English words, "Hi" and "Bye." 

I know it's not the same as being in a classroom, but with the tutoring I'm doing with Elena and Matteo, and a session a week with Georgio, I'm on my way back to what I love the most.  My plan now is to meet with Matteo's teacher (we've already sent messages) and see about volunteering in her English class.  I'd like to do the same for Elena's school.  If I can have at least 3 mornings a week doing what I love, I know I'll be happier for it.  I also know that it is all AMAZING experience to put on my resume for when I return to CCSD!!

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