Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ciao Charleston

It's here!  One month in Charleston has passed and today is the day I fly to Milan.  I'm so excited, but it's a bittersweet moment for me.  I love Charleston and it's always hard to leave, no matter how fantastic my destination may be.

I may have been home in Charleston, but I haven't been to my home in a while (I rented my house for January).  For the most part, I've lived out of my suitcases these past 4 weeks.  In doing so, I thought it wouldn't be too complicated of a process to reorganize and repack.  I was right, but waiting until this morning to get things done is totally unlike me, and even though I'm packed and ready to go the airport, I feel like something isn't right. 

I'm not sure if it's the fact that I consolidated my packing so much that I only need to check one bag, or if it's the fact that I wasn't at my house to double check the items I left behind.  I'm not sure if having so few bags makes me feel like I am missing things.  I did a good job of putting my clothes in the air tight bags so I can put more in my suitcase and I think I have enough clothes to get me through the next five months, but something still feels weird. 

Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll be feeling better once I get to Milan, meet the family I'll be living with, and unpack all my things.  I need to head out to the airport now...I'll check in again soon and let you know what it's like "on the other side."

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