Thursday, September 15, 2011


This morning I attended the American Women's Club of Dublin's first general meeting of the year which was held at the Bewley's Hotel in Ballsbridge.  I went with my friend Jamie and her mother in law, and we ran into another friend Chelsea there.  The meeting was made up of probably 70 or so women of all ages and all walks of life.  We were under the impression that the meeting began at 9:30, however it did not actually begin until about 10:20.  The first portion of the day was meant to be a "meet and greet" but the old members were quite caught up with "catching up" with one another, there were few people who actually reached out to welcome us.  The former president was one of them, and she was polite so I'm thankful for that.  I will say that not one of the current board members approached me to speak.  The new president, a 27 year old mother of two, was quite busy breastfeeding at the speaker's table and then chasing her toddlers around.  This threw me off a bit. 

Before starting the meeting, I wandered around the conference room looking at the few different tables, but of course I gravitated to the American food table organized by Jane Donnelly.  Her items ranged from marshmallow fluff to Old El Paso Green Chili Sauce.  I was very close to buying her one container of Old Bay Seasoning, but I've already requested my friend Beth bring it when she visits.  I did need change for the bus though, so I bought a small package of Peanut Butter M&M's.  I got Jane's email and website so I can browse when I'm really in need of a taste from home.

The meeting finally began with a guest speaker, a Mr. Godfrey Graham.  Mr. Graham is a 75 year old former photographer from Dublin.  He spoke of his love for photography and how he got his start, as well as some of the interesting things he's done throughout his life.  I enjoyed this very much, but it was a bit disorganized and it was hard to follow him at times.

The actual meeting was the strangest part of the whole morning.  The president ran back and forth across the room after her youngest and spoke in such an informal manner. There was never a call to order announcement or minutes review or any of the things you would expect to take place at a meeting.  The former president asked to speak and was turned down (at that moment) and you could have cut the tension with a knife.  There is some hugely unspoken hostility between the old and new presidents.  It was uncomfortable for me.  If this organization is so big and so established (they've been meeting since 1972) and charging 60 euro for membership fees, then it needs to do one of two things.  Either a) hold an official meeting where things are done correctly, i.e. give your members an itinerary and have someone take minutes, offer a nursery for children of members to be kept out of earshot, etc or b) don't set the meeting up with board table and look the part but not play it.  I have to say that I felt more out of place in this room of American women than I've felt the entire time I've been abroad.  Yes, I think they have a good organization and yes, I'm pleased to see they offer so many different activities, but I think overall, it was poorly organized and I personally don't care to be part of it.


  1. Hannah...I am so sorry that your first experience with the AWCD wasn't to your expectations. The group is made up of a variety of women, including those with children. The current board is made up of moms with very young children. We have to multitask-take on responsibilities of the club and handle our children. It would be ideal but not practical for everyone to be able to have our kids be minded during the meeting.

    Our president is fantastic-she does a lot of work behind the scenes to benefit the whole club-all while caring for young kids. This was the first meeting of the year for the brand new board-so obviously there were going to be bumps along the way. We want all of our current and prospective members to feel welcome so my apologies if you didn't feel that way.

    If you would like to feel more involved and a part of the organization, we have loads of opportunities and would love to have you participate. We do also appreciate constructive suggestions....perhaps you can address them to me at the next meeting-I am at that table (VP Education-Debbie).

  2. Debbie, I thank you for your follow up post. As I said towards the end of my blog, I think the organization certainly has good things going for it, but the meeting seemed to be disorganized and a bit chaotic.

    I understand that women have children and often don't have childcare, but if children are going to be invited to the meetings, someone should volunteer to run a nursery. That's my biggest suggestion.

    Unfortunately, I'm not going to be in Dublin but a few more weeks as I'll be moving to Wales after a trip home to the states in December. I know it was mentioned that there are groups all over the world for American women so I'll have to look into it once I get settled in Cardiff.

    I appreciate your explanation and reminder that the meeting I attended was the first meeting of the year...I'm sorry if I sounded harsh when "reviewing" it. Thanks again, and take care.
