I arrived in Paris after only a few bumps in the road. The flight was fine, although the "cheaper" Ryan Air ticket quickly increased with fees at the airport. I took a train from Paris Beauvais with no problem to Paris du Nord, and then things got a bit tricky. After two hours out of the way to the wrong station, I arrived in the area of my hotel in Paris. I had no way to contact the guys to see if they were there and I only knew the name and address of the hotel, but not much more.
In my best French, I asked a bar tender at a cafe for information and he quickly got some locals to help. They told me it was too far to walk, and I couldn't take the subway there, but I could grab a cab. I got a cab (in the rain) and went all the way around a roundabout before the driver told me there was no such address. I finally asked ladies in a pharmacy and they told me to walk a block and it'd be on the right. Genius. I went through all that for nothing.
I walked (right past another metro station mind you) into the hotel and at the desk, in French, asked for my room. No such luck. No reservation under my name, Jonathan's name, or Ryan's name, who I knew booked the place. My internet wasn't working but the receptionist let me use the hotel internet for free and I emailed the boys saying I was about to cry and wasn't leaving the lobby until they found me. I went back to the front desk and asked another lady, who lo and behold, was able to ring Ryan's room and there he sat waiting for me. He came down to get me and so the fun was able to begin.
We headed out to see the Arc de Triumph, the Eiffle Tower, etc. We had a bite to eat at a cafe (I had a croque monsiuer with goat cheese) and then we went to the store to get more bread, cheese, and wine. We hung out in the room that night chatting.
We woke up on Friday morning, not too early actually, and headed out to see Sacre Coeur, the Louvre and other sites along the Seine, Notre Dame, etc. We didn't get to go into the Louvre, but I've done it before so I was ok. Disappointed for the rest of the gang though because it's something everyone should do.
We went to the hotel in the afternoon to rest and shower before going back out do go up in the Eiffle Tower at night and have dinner. We ate first at a cafe and all had pizzas that were really good. At the restaurant I was trying to move out of the way for another customer and kicked my foot so hard I drew blood. We walked (me half limping) to the tower then took the stairs to the second floor. I though I'd die! I've done the elevator before, but not climbed the thing. I had on my good white pants and just about ruined them from all the rain that night. Hadn't rained all day so I thought I'd be safe, but no such luck. Remember also I had one foot bleeding I was trying to keep away from my pants.
We walked around the bottom of the tower with our bottle of wine and were going to go to the Moulin Rouge for the gang to take pictures, but it was rather late and we were worried about getting stuck out there when the metro closed. We actually got really worried when the first stop we went to already had closed its doors. We ran to the next stop and up the slippery steps when, bam, I fell. Yep, very classy lady. Jack Rogers aren't meant for running or rain so it was my own fault, but as I went up the stairs to the metro, I slipped. I now have two bleeding feet as I busted my toe on my right foot. Perfect. Even better is the fact that the train is about to leave so Jonathan, a real American hero (inside joke) stands between the closing doors as I scream "Go on without me" and holds the doors open. He saved the day as I was able to board and he even got two other ladies in. Classic moment here. We made it to the hotel and I got in the bathroom to wash my poor feet and ruined pants. I think we all went to bed shortly after.
Saturday morning we got up and the boys decided to stay behind and plan their next leg of the trip, so Angela and I went back to the Champs Elysees for an hour or so. She wanted to get a purse or something, but found nothing she wanted. I bought a cute pair of ballerina flats. We grabbed lunch (a baguette) and headed back to the hotel to grab the guys so we could all go to the train station and see Angela off. She had to get her train to London to catch an early flight on Sunday morning. The boys and I split up after to get our travel plans for the next day. I had hoped to stay with them in Paris on Saturday night, but my train to leave was Saturday evening and the flight was early Sunday, so I had to make different arrangements.
Jonathan and I decided after this, even though we had very little time, to go out to Versailles. I wanted him to see the palace and gardens, but unfortunately we had no time. We just took a few pictures in front and he'll have to go back another time. It really is a beautiful place.
My train to Beauvais was at 9:48 so I sat in the hotel with the boys for a bit after Versailles and had a few glasses of wine before heading out. It was really sad to leave them again. My hotel room in Beauvais was very quiet. It was of course a journey getting there too, but nothing too exciting happened along the way, nothing except a guy on the train deciding to blatantly use drugs in the seat next to me. That was interesting. Never saw any official to tell, and not sure how I would have described it in French anyway!
I'm back in Dublin now and if feels good to be "home" but I did have a great time in Paris. Mom comes on Wednesday so I've got more fun things to do this week. Staying very busy here!
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