Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hit or Miss?

Today was full of fun for me in a I got done what I needed to get done kind of way.  I was up at 7 to shower because I thought my electricity was being cut off since noone’s lived here in ages and the bill I got when I returned yesterday said it would be cut off today.  I went to a coffee shop called Coffee Society around the corner and had a cup of tea so I could use their wifi to pay the bill. I then went into Dublin city center (15 minute walk) and got my smart phone and internet.  The internet is a trial and I will be taking it back tomorrow because it is a miss for sure.  Was supposed to be purchased for 30 euro and free to use for a week, but it only worked for about an hour and then stopped.  The phone is great (Android) except that is has no internet access which was the reason I purchased it so I’ll be complaining and having this fixed tomorrow, another miss.  I will say just holding a smart phone again makes me feel better though.  It’s much better than the 19 euro cheapo phone I used in April. 
After my three trips to Vodofone (I had a lot of questions) I went to the St Stephens Green shopping center for TK Maxx and home goods.  It was a miss because even there things were super expensive.  I got a frame for a pic of Mom and Dad, a thing of olive oil, and some bathroom soap for 20 something euro.  Another miss here was that the place claims to have free wifi but the only place I could get it was in the center of the shopping mall sitting on a park bench.  Winner.
I walked back to my place around 12 and had my leftovers from last night.   I played on the internet, called mom from Skype, etc, and then headed out for my hair appointment.  I walked to the cleaners first to have some jeans repaired (I sat on a nail in Butlins and ripped the seam of my favorite pair) and then to the salon.  I was there 20 minutes early for my 3 o’clock appointment and didn’t leave until 6 but it was a hit for sure.  The salon, Norman and Brown, is cute with a couple of really cute girls working and my hair looks great. I’m supper blonde.  I like the style too.  It’s similar to what I always have but was dried a bit differently so it’s cute.  I paid a good deal for it (about $50 more than I’d pay at home) but I got some products too so I guess it’s not too bad.  Things are just expensive here, there is no way getting around it.
After the appointment I went across the street to TriBeCa and had dinner. This was a hit out of the ball park.  I ordered a bottle of Malbec, a cup of roasted red pepper soup, and a buffalo mozzarella and tomato salad.  Oh my goodness.  The soup was to die for; it was spicy and hot with melted parmesan cheese. The salad was garnished with greens and olives, which I did actually try, and had the most perfect olive oil and salt combination.  There was actually cheese left over when I finished the greens and tomatoes too, and that should tell you something since I’m a huge cheese fanatic.
While sitting in this super cute little restaurant I read the Cheers Magazine which is like City Paper and has all the info on concerts, comedy, etc and I’ve decided I want to attend some things.  You know, or should know, how much I love music.  I can certainly go jam while someone is playing guitar…that doesn’t require me knowing anyone.  I also came across this little restaurant down on the canal that allows you to bring your own wine and their philosophy sounds good…local products and a lot of organic stuff.  I’ll check that out soon.
Oh, I did get my first phone call today from Allan, T’Lene’s friend who lives in Wales.  He’s booked a flight to come visit me in August.  It happens to fall on the same weekend Mom will be here, but I’m delighted.  He’s told me that he is to be my emergency contact…that he’ll answer no matter the hour and that he can be here in no time if I need him.  God bless him.  I will make friends I’m sure but it’s nice to know he’s just a few hours away if needed.  Can’t wait for T’Lene to get here so we can all hang out. 
Well, I just came back to the apartment where I’m saddened to say I have only one martini glass for my wine (I corked and brought the bottle home) and I’ve got no internet access which stinks because I hooked up my video phone and it would work otherwise.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I’ll get internet set up here if it’s the last thing I do.
My plans for tomorrow are to get up and run (I heard that there is a great path along the canal), go back to Vodofone to get things sorted, get to the bank to set up my account which I was supposed to do today, and perhaps get some of the application filled out for UCD so I can start school in August.  Oh, I also want to get tickets for Saturday up to Kildare Village.  It’s supposed to be great shopping and I need to get Mom’s bday gift.  I mailed her card today but I bet it won’t get there until after her birthday, which really stinks.
Alright, off to bed. 

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