Monday, March 26, 2012

Nothing Either Good Nor Bad, But Thinking Makes It So

A week ago I wrote a lovely blog about the lessons I learned in just one day here in Milan.  Unfortunately the blog didn't save so I lost the piece and was too lazy to rewrite the whole thing, but I was amazed at what I could accomplish in just one day. 

The blog essentially said that there are lessons all around us...that it's just a matter of opening our eyes so we can see them.  For example, I learned that we really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.  I had assumed this girl who worked in the tea shop was an immigrant and working there because it was an easy job, but I later found out she had her PhD in anthropology...completely unexpected.  Who knows why she works in the tea room, but it's certainly not for a lack of education. 

This past weekend has been, by far, the best I've had in Milan and probably one of the best in general in quite a long while.  Granted, I had a fantastic time in Dublin last weekend with my dear friends there, but this past weekend in Italy was just what I needed to restore my sense of wonder and appreciation for the small things. 

Friday night started out pretty low key.  I went to my friend Katy's apartment to have aperitivo with her roommates and her.  We sat around the house until midnight talking and that simple thing mad me so happy...probably because I was with people my own age and not just the family I've been living with.  It's so nice to have your own space and to have friends together.  Just like last weekend with Jamie and Tommy in Dublin, having dinner with friends and socializing with them is such an easy way to have a good time.  We even played stupid games last weekend but it was so much fun!

After the aperitivo on Friday night we went to a club near where I live in Milan.  It was a 50's theme party with DJs playing all the great songs from that time period.  We danced until 4 or so in the morning.  I am surprised I was able to stay up that long but we had such a fantastic time.  I even met a nice boy who walked me home because it was so late.

Saturday was one of those perfect days where you do nothing extraordinary, but enjoy every minute of it.  I went into the center to get my race packet for the 10K I was doing on Sunday, then I sat in the square in front of the duomo waiting on Katy.  I got a watermelon slushie and enjoyed the sun while I people watched.  I'm telling you, I could do this every day.  I smiled and had to control myself so I wouldn't laugh out loud.  People watching has to be the best activity ever.  I saw so many things that made me smile.  There was one guy, I'm guessing Swedish, dressed in jean shorts, hemmed with a burberry like fabric, and a white undershirt that made me giggle...I kept picturing my friend Josh in this outfit and it makes me laugh still.  There were some American girls that were complaining of walking too much, and a tiny little boy, maybe 2 1/2 years old, riding a bike around everyone's feet.  Simple things, but so great. 

When Katy arrived, we went to this place near the duomo called Mama Burger.  After drinking a bit too much on Friday, it was the perfect cure to our night out. The burgers were gigantic and came with fries and a beer (hair of the dog and all).  Amazing doesn't even begin to describe it.  We left the burger joint and got a few beers for our purse and then we walked down to Parco Sempione.  In the sunshine, there were tons of people laying out, playing soccer, etc. in the park.  We put a sheet out and enjoyed more people watching (my jean shorts guy passed again) and chatting about future plans for travel, etc.  We decided to move to the bar/restaurant in the park and were enjoying more people watching, I'm telling you it's the best, when I started drooling over "Maverick" from Top Gun.  I couldn't stop staring at this guy and Katy agreed, he was beautiful. 

We were trying to be serious and talk about all our future plans, my not knowing what to do next and what path the Lord has laid out for me, when all of a sudden a bird pooped on my head!  Just last weekend, Jamie and Tommy and I were talking about this and how it had never happened to us, but that it is supposed to be a sign of good luck.  I was a bit grossed out, and laughing uncontrollably, but finally said, "It's ok; it's good fortune."  The waiter brought over some napkins and also laughing, he said the same thing "Buona fortuna," so Katy and I are convinced something good is coming. 

My race was first thing Sunday morning, and honestly, I didn't think I'd make it the whole way.  I got up and went to the duomo (starting point) and waited an hour before we began.  I haven't been running much so I wasn't sure the 10k was possible, but adrenaline kicked in and it was actually quite easy.  I got before and after shots of myself to remember the day. 

Sitting back at the duomo with beer in hand after the race (rebuild those carbs) a guy walked up and sat down next to me.  He was in Milan visiting for the weekend.  He wasn't someone attractive and actually I found him to be quite a slob upon first impressions, but he was so nice.  He spoke very little English but we enjoyed chatting a while.  In a text he later sent, he said "You are beautiful, me thinks."  So, so kind.  I believe, whatever the reason, he was meant to be at the duomo with me yesterday, maybe as a reminder for me to be polite to everyone, to give everyone a chance. 

After I got back home I made a big plate of pasta bolognase and then went out to the park to lie in the sun a few hours.  I actually am beginning to get some color back!  My friend from Friday night called and invited me out that evening so I met him for gelatto and a walk through the park.  It was really a nice way to finish the weekend.  I think it all goes back to keeping eyes open and staying positive about things.  I'm not always good at this, and often, I complain about things, but I'm getting better.  I found a Shakespeare quote that says "Nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so."  I think this is my new motto.  Things will happen, one way or the other, so why not stay positive and enjoy life?  Good things from now on.  :)

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